Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Wikipedia - the crowdsourced 'truth' of things ?

Supersedes file:Wikimedia.png — Compare: 40px 40px Supersedes file:Wikimedia.png — Compare: 40px 40px (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

Wikipedia is a great reference for quickly looking up anything. This has been my experience so far. Be it a city, a software, really anything – I typically was able to find something that got me started in my search of understanding more about the topic in question.

With the caveat that I understood that I can not fully rely on information on Wikipedia to be 100$ true and verified. It has been created by people like you and me, and then added or changed over time.

A legal court in Germany has now ruled that Wikipedia is legally responsible for some disputed content. It is NOT that Wikipedia now has to confirm and verify everything. But if something is disputed to be wrong, they’ll have to look into it.

Bummer for Wikipedia ? Bummer for open source referencing ? I think the effect benefits the end-user. There have been circumstances where I ran into some things that I knew to be not accurate ( :-) ) on Wikipedia. Now there is a process to correct that. A step towards making Wikipedia more reliable.

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Wikipedia - the crowdsourced 'truth' of things ?

Monday, November 18, 2013

Gen-X, Gen-Y and Gen-Z & Social usiness

Tibbr, one of the business social network solution vendor, keeps posting interesting articles on the cultural and social aspects of online social interation.

This article talkes about the different perspectives of three different generations: X, Y and Z (aka Millenials).

Key take-aways from this article on the benefits each generation can have from engaging online:

  • Gen X
    • More visibility

    • Wider range to motivate, empower and recognize

  • Gen Y
    • Effective collaboration with distributed teams

    • Easier knowledge sharing

  • Gen Z
    • Easier to brainstorm with others and gather a wide range of feedback

    • Easier to connect with experienced subject matter experts

Gen-X, Gen-Y and Gen-Z & Social usiness

Wednesday, October 09, 2013

The No More Landmines Trust

The No More Landmines Trust (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

How Google Maps is helping clear landmines in war-torn countries

HALO Trust are making the most of online mapping software to build a safer life for post-conflict communities

Halo Trust is using Knowledge Management to capture and analyse all relevant data and information – with the understanding that organizational knowledge is their biggest asset.

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The No More Landmines Trust

The No More Landmines Trust (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

How Google Maps is helping clear landmines in war-torn countries

HALO Trust are making the most of online mapping software to build a safer life for post-conflict communities

Halo Trust is using Knowledge Management to capture and analyse all relevant data and information – with the understanding that organizational knowledge is their biggest asset.

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Saturday, September 07, 2013

A new way of building bridges - the rescue for deteriorating infrastructure ?

English: Suspension bridges are suspended from...

English: Suspension bridges are suspended from cables. The earliest suspension bridges were made of ropes or vines covered with pieces of bamboo. In this picture the suspension bridge, which is now only for human use, is in Astore Valley. This type of bridge is found in the Gilgit-Baltistan area of Pakistan. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

is a great article about a new innovation. Using huge plastic tubes filled with concrete to quickly and cost-efficiently build new bridges. Worth reading to appreciate the ingenious idea.

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A new way of building bridges - the rescue for deteriorating infrastructure ?

Monday, August 26, 2013

Good discussion on how to make ones commute more productive


Listen (Photo credit: Johan Larsson)

I posted a response to this discussion:

and mentioned that Pocket (formerly known as Read It Later) has a listen function, the Economist has an audio edition and Umano is an app that read news articles out loud. These are what I use when I walk, jog, take public transportation or via bluetooth and car speaker system listen to when I drive.

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Good discussion on how to make ones commute more productive

Friday, May 10, 2013

Gamification and Knowledge Management

Gamification provides a roadmap to foster people engaging in the means of knowledge capturing, sharing and re-use. The idea is that gamification makes it more enticing to capture knowledge to gain rewards, share knowledge to collect badges, and re-use knowledge to achieve other trophies (or any combination there-of) .It also fosters more engagement in related area like online learning.

Two challenges to consider

Gamification of Life (Jul '11)

Gamification of Life (Jul ’11) (Photo credit: VFS Digital Design)

1. Playing games is not an ongoing thing. People play when they feel like it. A good game keeps you interested, but that only goes so far.

2. There are lessons to be learned from the past of reward and recognition programs. Points, rewards, badges are not enough for long-term engagement. It still comes down to understanding, embracing and engaging on a purpose-level or professional/work related relevance”2″%3B%7D/K04294_Gamification in KM-overview.pdf.

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Gamification and Knowledge Management

Wednesday, April 17, 2013

A new era has started - by batteries

“Battery technology has improved over the past decade, but now scientists claim they have made a giant leap in power storage, giving lithium-ion batteries 30 times more power and the ability to recharge 1,000 times faster “than competing technologies.” This is a battery breakthrough that could change the world — it’s “a whole new way to think about batteries,” according to its creators”

Imagine a battery so powerful, that it can jumpstart your car. Imagine your smartphone to work day and night for a whole month. That is what the near future could bring, if this new kind of batteries will become available soon. Best of all – if its empty – it could recharge within minutes.

DOW KOKAM Lithium Ion batteries

DOW KOKAM Lithium Ion batteries (Photo credit: amcgore)

Imagine the implications for electric cars, for the availability of electricity in the developing world. Is it unfair to say, this could change the world. We’ll see.

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A new era has started - by batteries

Yammer tour in chicago

Keynote of Yammer tour in Chicago is starting. Adam Pisoni, CTO and CoFounder of Yammer is highlighting the reason for purchase and integration with Microsoft. He is interested and wants to talk about ‘disruption’. SVP business software solutions is talking next about the information revolution based on an IDC 2013 report.

He is talking about four forces of industry transformation. cloud, mobility, big data/analytics and social business – as of today.

Sensing and responding is the new business model, instead of creating a product and selling it.

Social business is here and here to stay. see slide above.

Adam is now talking about Tower Records and Napster and ITunes, how the later two disrupted Tower Records 1 billiion dollar business.


The pace of change is accelerating. The faster we connect, the faster we change. The lifecycle of disruptive technologies is now below 5 years, impacting everybody in some way.


The more efficient we get, the less adaptable we become. Disruption is about someone else figures out how to provide the value you are providing better than you.


Capatilize on disruption: Align (on common goals and value you provide), organize (conways law – companies create products and services that represent the way they communicate internally), empower (employees to innovae on how they provide value), adapt (kaizen, constant improvement).

NAB (australian bank) has YamJams about discussing a particular problem and innovate a solution.


Deconstruct and reconstruct your business virtually on a regular basis to always build the best company possible.

Here are some tweets about the #yamtour:

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Yammer tour in chicago