Friday, April 23, 2004


I am a Knowledge Management Expert. That's what I do, every day, for nearly 14 years now. Day and sometimes Night (ask my wife). I continuously follow the market, look at the vendors and service providers, and companies and what they are trying to do with KM.

My observations are the following:
-The government knows it has issues (knowledge sharing, retention) and needs to do something. The have big KM efforts going
-Vendors still think KM is technology. My advice: RETHINK - talk to KM consultants and listen
-Service providers think there is no money to be made with KM. My advice: RETHINK - Knowledge work is the commodity of tomorrow, you better prepare to offer this service.
-On a daily basis KM is in people's mind and words - more and more. Do a google search on KM :-) (3.200.700 as of 4/23/4) be continued..

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