Friday, March 31, 2006

Knowledge Workers, Collaboreation and personalization will be critical to a companies success in the future

Now here is an interesting article. A study of over 1000 CxO's projects that Knowledge Workers, Collaboreation and personalization will be critical to a companies success in the future.

So how is this prediction different from other predictions that had said that KM will change everything ? And then it had not happened ?

Looking around market activities, company strategies, development of professions, job market and other developments - it all seems to steer towards a global economy that has to be flexible and adaptive. Products will need to be customizable to a customers specific needs. Inventing, creating, marketing and support will need to be functions provided by someone specialized in this area. All of this can only be achieved if we break down the paradigm of having to be in the same phyical location in order to work together effectively. Technoloy (wireless, video communication, etc.) is developing rapidely towards allowing us to communication and collaborate anywhere with anybody with an increasing set of functionality. With this in mind, the article makes sense.

I would be interested to hear about your point of view.

Original source:

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