Tuesday, March 05, 2013

Participating on a discussion about 'preserving institutional knowledge' on Ron Ashkenas' Harvard Business Review blog


Institutional knowledge is not unlike the human brain. The human brain files long-term memories, organi ational knowledge files documents. We use it to keep track of processes, experiences, people – concepts that hold true over time, ongoing relationships, etc.

Then there is the dynamic memory. How tools and processes work, relationships we build for temporary purposes. Social networks, search engines, etc. helps us manage that.

An organi ational knowledge management strategy is the organi ations capability to manage both long-term, and dynamic knowledge through adhoc-sharing, effective search, connected ystems and integrated processes.

Institutional knowledge management needs to be part of how the organi ation works – the better an organi ation embeds this in all aspects, like project management, human resource management and financial interactions, the better instituational knowledge is retained and grows over time.

My humble $.02

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Participating on a discussion about 'preserving institutional knowledge' on Ron Ashkenas' Harvard Business Review blog

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